Injuries that occur in the home account for millions of medical visits annually. This is just one of the reasons to make your home safer for yourself, family members, and guests. Here are a few essential items for home safety that should be in every house.
Fire Extinguishers are Essential Items for Home Safety
It’s easy for a small home fire to quickly grow out of control. Minimize this risk by having working fire extinguishers handy. Be certain you have the right type of fire extinguisher for the type of fire that’s likely to occur. The number of fire extinguishers you’ll need in your home is based on:
• The overall size of your home
• Whether or not you have multiple floors
• Potential fire risks in your home
Smoke/Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Smoke detectors are essential items for home safety, but there are still many households without them. CO detectors are equally important because carbon monoxide isn’t easily detected and can be lethal. Instead of installing two types of detectors in your home, choose combination smoke/CO detector units.
A First Aid Kit is Essential
You may have a well-stocked medicine cabinet in your home, but there are times when you’ll need other supplies to tend to an injury. This is why you should have at least one first aid kit on your list of essential items for home safety.
Regularly take inventory to make sure the kit is fully stocked with bandages and other items to provide immediate care. A good companion to a first aid kit is an updated list of phone numbers for:
• Your family’s primary care doctor
• A local hospital
• The local poison control center
Escape Ladders are Important for Home Safety
In the event of a fire, escape ladders are essential items. They’re meant to be used to escape a room through a window when the door is blocked by flames. For lower floors, consider a ladder attached to the window. For higher floors, use collapsing ladders that hook onto the windowsill.
Disaster Kit
Being prepared for the unexpected also means having essentials in the event of a natural disaster. Items included in a disaster kit will depend on what type of natural disasters your area is susceptible to. However, it’s generally recommended that a disaster kit include things like:
• A gallon of water for each person in your household
• At least three days worth of non-perishable food items
• Personal hygiene items – e.g., toilet paper, portable shaving kit, etc.
• A battery-powered radio
• An emergency flashlight with extra batteries
• Copies of important documents
• Matches or a lighter
• A solar-powered phone/device charger
These are just some of the things you’ll want to have on hand should the unexpected happen. Be better prepared for emergencies by purchasing these essential items for home safety.
The Best Property Inspections LLC offers home inspections to Southeast Arizona. Contact us to request an appointment.